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There are 7.5 Billion People on Our Planet

100 Billion Items of Clothing are Manufactured Every Year

85% Will Be Thrown Away


Wear Not Waste

It takes 2,700 litres of water to make a single cotton T Shirt. That’s the water an adult human needs to survive - for 2.5 years.

Facts about the environmental footprint of the clothes we wear are shocking. And millions of people are rapidly becoming aware of the environmental impact of their day to day fashion choices.

We believe that fashion will always be in style. But that clothes should be worn, not wasted. And that clothes should be recycled and then worn again.

Wear. Not Waste.


What We Do

Wear Not Waste is a platform for a new way of thinking about fashion and the environment. We believe in transparency and accountability, data and diligence.

We will offer our own line of durable, organic and recycled clothing, including information on the manufacture and sourcing of each garment.

Our broader mission is to create an easy to use app to enable consumers to visualize and evaluate the entire supply chain of each piece of clothing.

  • What fabrics and fibres is an item of clothing made from, and what energy, resources and chemicals were used to make those fabrics?

  • Where were those fabrics made?

  • Then, where was the item of clothing manufactured - in what factory, and in what conditions?

  • How was the piece of clothing transported to your country?

With transparent information, consumers can assess and compare the environmental impact of clothing every time they are in store or on line. With WearNotWaste data at their fingertips, informed consumers can make each purchase decision based on style - and on the impact of their purchase on the environment.