In the UK, new clothes bought every minute generate more carbon emissions than driving around the world.....6 times.

Oxfam, the global charity focused on poverty, has recently published a new study on the impact of fast fashion.

Per Oxfam’s website:

The research was commissioned as part of Oxfam’s #SecondHandSeptember campaign, which is asking the nation to buy second-hand fashion instead of new for 30 days.

The textile industry produces more greenhouse gas emissions than the shipping and aviation industries combined. To keep prices low, throwaway fashion is made by garment workers often from the world’s poorest communities, and paid below the living wage. Each week 11 million garments end up in landfill in the UK.

Oxfam also found that:
• More than two tonnes of clothing are bought each minute in the UK
• Buying one new white cotton shirt produces the same emissions as driving a car for 35 miles
• The emissions from all the new clothes bought in the UK each month are greater than those from flying a plane around the world 900 times
• The average adult spends £27 a month in fast fashion outlets and currently owns two items which remain unworn

Chris Addy